Fail2ban for WordPress

fail2ban is a utility that can be used to protect a server or website from brute-force attacks by blocking the IP address of the attacker after a certain number of failed login attempts. If you want to use fail2ban to protect your WordPress website, you can do so by installing and configuring the fail2ban software … Read more

Automated Network Penetration Testing Tool – SPARTA by SECFORCE

Introduction: If you ever participated in CTF or trying to crack up some machines on-site like hackthebox you will know what amount of effort goes into initial scanning and enumeration to get you headed on possible advancement on your kill chain. For example, starting a Nmap scan to running Nikto and eventually being able to … Read more

Honeytokens (Canary Tokens). What is it? And How it works? Detect Insider Threat

What are Honeypots: We all are familiar with the concept of honeypots and their importance in a corporate environment. If you are not aware honeypots are deployed across the network in order to detect the intruder in the network. Honeypots are the system that contains detective and alerting features with some intended vulnerability to attract … Read more

Disassembling ransomware decryption tool What’s inside the decryption tool? How does the decryption tool work? Ransomware Recovery

Intro Ransomware attacks are on rising and becoming more sophisticated. Companies without little to no backup plan, struggle the most. As we know with ransomware attacks comes encryption. And it is a real pain to decrypt any files without a key. So that kept me thinking, how is this decryption tool able to handle the … Read more